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Text to Speech

From the printed word to audio formats - our experienced team of readers will record Council newsletters, heritage magazines, training materials and even menus.

If you want your business to appear as professional to your visually impaired customers as it does to those who are sighted, contact Corrie with a word count of your requirements or a sample document.


We convert the printed word to audio mp3 files, cassettes and CDs for 188,000 Scots and 1.7 million UK blind and partially sighted people.  With Cue and Review Recording Service you can increase your market reach by speaking to people who can’t read print.


The Disability Unit  has some really good information so please give their pages a read.

Transcription Service

Use our voice over team to record your text to audio. Click the video to hear just some of our team.

Disability is not just about wheelchairs or ramps it is also about your customers who find reading your print materials difficult.


Cue and Review Recording Service helps organisations reach a wider audience than is possible with only print media. We enable you to communicate with people whose visual or physical disabilities prevent them from reading or whose busy lives mean they prefer to listen to information on the move. If you're based in the UK, we can help you meet your responsibilities under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995.


We do this by providing a professional and cost-effective transcription service, producing high-quality audio in a range of formats from any print media. We've been doing this since 1982 so we have a depth of experience to draw on.  We can usually provide you with a finished product within ten working days. 

Thankyou for your enquiry we will get back to you shortly.

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